Boswell’s Harley-Davidson has been serving riders since 1950... and specifically, Nashville riders since 1965. During that time we’ve sold motorcyc...
Our Blog
Aunt Betty "Bones" Hall
Dec. 29 2021 MiscellaneousThere are a lot of titles you could possibly hang on Bubba’s Aunt Betty but “Typical” would not be one of them.
Street Hooligan Performance Packages
Dec. 28 2021 MiscellaneousStreet Hooligan Performance Packages
Discover the split personality on the Harley-Davidson Sport Glide™
Virtual Hooligan Heat Race
May 27 2021 MiscellaneousEver wonder what it's like to race Hooligan? Here's your chance!! Ride along with Boswell's Hooligan Chris Boone and feel the thrill of leading a h...
The 2021 Forty-Eight®
Apr. 22 2021 MiscellaneousThe iconic Harley-Davidson Sportster was first produced in 1957 and has been a part of the Motor Company lineup since. That’s a long time!Some migh...
Harley-Davidson® Ultra-Light Half Helmets
Apr. 15 2021 MiscellaneousWe love summer riding but with it comes the heat! We’re not complaining... but it is the perfect time of year to consider a half helmet... and we h...
Harley-Davidson started using the FL designation back in 1941 and continues using it today with popular 2019 models like the Street Glide® Special ...
It’s no secret... Boswell’s Harley-Davidson is known for its quality pre-owned Harley-Davidson motorcycles and there’s good reason for it. We liter...
The Pilot 3-in-1 X04 Helmet
Nov. 15 2019 MiscellaneousTake A Look At The Pilot 3-in-1 X04 Helmet
A Quick Look At Hooligan Racing
Aug. 28 2019 MiscellaneousIn its earliest form, Hooligan racing can be traced back to Southern California in the late 1940’s when WWII U.S. servicemen were returning home wi...
10 Photos From Around The Shop
Apr. 17 2019 MiscellaneousSpring is in the air... here's 10 random photos from around the shop. Come hang out with us!
A Boswell's One-of-a-Kind Custom
Apr. 8 2019 MiscellaneousNot sure what you want? We literally customize motorcycles every day… like this 2019 Road Glide we just completed. It features:Custom Paint (From B...